Wednesday, January 1, 2014

On a New Year

You know that feeling after you go to Confession and you feel as if you can't do anything wrong? Well, welcome to the new year!! A fresh 365 days of history and landmarks that no one can foresee. It may bring scandals, tragedies and terror but it may also bring hope, happiness and contentment. That's what's so beautiful about life, you know. You can't have the bad without the good, but it's often the bad that brings out the best in people. Our nation, our world, our culture is really messed up but somehow, this morning when I woke up I was hit with a sense up hope that the world isn't just going to crumble under our feet. People can preach doom from the pulpits if they want to, but the fact remains that I am part of a generation of hope. It sure doesn't seem like it sometimes, when I look at girls my age and what they do. But I think that the evil in the world is just one big test to see how we cope with it. Last year is history - it's 2014! We should do our best to make the most of it, so that when we look back we can say "2014 was a good year. No, it was a great year." Life isn't a slice of cake, guys, but that doesn't mean we can't do our best to make it one for others. So here's to a new start, a brand new sheet of white paper to draw on, the next chapter of the story, whatever you want to call it.
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present!" -Uguay

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