Wednesday, March 27, 2013

On Blogging and Newbies

Well, here I am, blogging. And I have no idea how to do it. I thought it would be easy, too 'bout not. By the time I'd managed to figure out how to get my name to Rhian de Questa without breaking the keyboard from banging my head against it, I discovered, being a seeker (if you are just like "What? Seeker?" then I'll let you in on a secret - my real name isn't Rhian de Questa. Actually, you'd probably already figured that out. Well fine, if you're so smart, tell me what it means. Go on. Ha, see, you don't know. And I'm not going to tell you) that the blog needed to be customized, which took me an hour. Then I had to do something fancy with the profile. And when it comes to computer, I'm not fancy. So if you're already bored, like I am, and am thinking about not reading this anymore, then go and get some chips and read a book. If you take nothing else away from this, my first blog-post-thing, take away that chips and a book go better together than chips and a movie (this is because when you are eating chips during a movie, the bag rustles and you can't hear what the people on screen are saying). I'm new to this peculiar art of "blogging" and I don't think anyone is reading this anyway. So maybe I'll just stop. Or maybe I won't. Maybe I'll keep pestering you all with my random thoughts and adventures. 
"In a world filled with mirth and magic, you lose time in yourself." - The Fellowship of the Ring (incidentally, it's found on page 720 - anyone who's seen the Return of the King Easter Egg knows that)


  1. My dear, RdeQ, which I think I shall call you because I'm a lazy bum and too lethargic to write out your full name this morning >:). Yay! I, to my eternal shame, have finally sat down and read your posts. Can't wait to see more, darlin'

  2. Hahaha, feel no obligation :)
