Tuesday, April 16, 2013

On Bubbles

Now that spring has decided to tentatively poke a finger through Michigan's atmosphere, I had the chance to do something a little different than usual with the kid I babysit. Usually we are inside in his living room, and though the morning starts with playing cars ramming into each other, that doesn't last more than an hour, and the remainder of my stay is spent chasing him around the room (what I'd like to know is how a kid that trips over his own feet that much and runs into walls doesn't have a single bump, when I get cut by my stupid dustpan whilst sweeping up some dirt). In any case, it was a relief to take the little bloke outside for a bit of a change. It was warm and wet, which never went well in my mind unless its actively raining - anything just "damp" is a pet peeve of mine. But I found a considerable amount to do playing hide and seek with a kid who doesn't understand that "hide" means hide, not sneak up behind the babysitter while she's counting and laugh when she turns around. Then, lo and behold, just as my energy was as dead as a door-nail, Connor decides its time to play with bubbles.
I don't know how many of you have ever played with bubbles since you were six, maybe seven, but I haven't in a few years, and it was like reawakening my childhood. Needless to say, once we got the blowing started, Connor wasn't the only one running around the yard popping and chasing little iridescent globes. For being practically transparent, we got a lot of different shades of pink, blue and green rimming the bubbles. We also got them in our hair, and our clothes, and since Connor didn't know how to work the blower, I ended up getting them all over my hands, too. But bubbles have a way of making me happy. So if some warm day you're sitting around with absolutely nothing to do, I would advise to find one of your little siblings' forgotten plastic bubble jar and blower, and have a little fun chasing your childhood across the lawn.
"There's just no angry way to say 'bubbles'" - Anonymous (Its true! Try it!)

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