Tuesday, April 2, 2013

On Moldy Bread and life's philosophy

     I know, the title is making you scratch your head, because moldy bread has no comparison whatsoever to life. However, I would beg to differ. As one of my characters had a flashback today, she remembered the wise words of her older brother's friend Jason, who came to her room, to which she had locked everyone out of for 24 hours, and comforted her after a recent break up by speculating the relation of moldy bread to life. I thought his words worth noting if you're bored enough to be reading my blog posts anyway, so here you go: 

“Life” he began “life is like moldy bread. Some of its bad, and some of its good. But you can’t change the bad, and the only way to change the good is to let it sit and not enjoy it. And while you’re waiting, the bad just gets worse. So while you’re sitting here thinking about it, Lauren, everything is just going to go downhill. Or, you can eat your pizza and go out and enjoy the good before that expires, as well.”
The pizza part was explained earlier, if you got lost on that part. Ok, I used "comforting" but actually its not very comforting at all. Jason is a blunt character - doesn't sugar coat it, even if he sometimes thinks too much. Also, I doubt this will apply much to you in any case, since you're not sitting in your room crying your eyes out over a breakup (at least I assume so). But I'm going to hazard a guess that, (as noted above) if you're reading this, you are as bored as I am, and are suffering from writers block, thus reading the first random post you came upon for inspiration. Ergo, I'm going to go play with my sister now. May your life be like the side of bread that doesn't easily expire.
"It is nothing to die. It is terrible not to live" - Victor Hugo, Les Miserables. Someday I'll write a very long critique on that amazing book. Watch out.

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