Friday, May 17, 2013

On Spring

When someone thinks spring, there can be a variety of what first pops to the head. For my Dad, it's warmth weather allergies, and time-to-put-the-kids-to-work. For most people, its the end of winter and flowers. For me, it means mostly those things combined, along with complete stress over the play, and then a bout of suffering form PPD. Sometimes Michigan seems to skip Spring all together, giving us summer in April and then another week or two of winter before dropping the sun on us. But I was pleasantly surprised this year to find that Jack Frost seems to have left until at least September, and Sol turned down his rays a bit so that they didn't scorch the apple and cherry trees like last year. 
Yes, Mother Nature decided to wake up on schedule (though Old Man Winter did have his second coming, as usual). Even though Spring has always been my least favorite season, it's still amazing. Spring has been called the month of love, and while I personally have never experienced why exactly that is, I'm sure someone has, because it got called that at some point in history. To me, Spring is more like the Magic Month, as I call it, especially May. 
M.M.M., as we shall call it, has a way of sneaking up on me, especially since either its first or second week involves rushing around because the play is happening. It's during tech week that our flowers always seem to grow, and I always seem to miss it, but at least they're there when we get back, and the iris' and peonies never bloom until late May anyway, so those are reserved for my pleasure.
So why magic? Well, if you've read my previous posts, you'd know that cultures believed in fairies bringing the seasons. Obviously Faries used magic, and when you think about it, it is pretty amazing when one day you're lawn is soggy and nasty and the next green ( I don't know if that happens outside of Michigan, but seeing as that's where I live, I'm going to use it as the standard). God created Nature utterly amazing, and the reason I love spring is because you've spent four months of cold, and then suddenly everything warms, and one can go poking one's nose into flowerbeds and watch and wait for the green leaves and grass to give way to summer days and nights.
"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the world around you, because the greatest secrets are hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." - Anonymous. Most of my quotes are anonymous. 

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